Submit a tip
to Bloomberg News

Do you want to share a news tip? Here’s how.

A good story can start anywhere, including with anonymous tips, but if you want to provide a meaningful tip for journalists, you should share specific information — and not general speculation. At Bloomberg News, we cover governments and power around the globe, as well as business and economics.

If you have specific information that you’d like to share with Bloomberg News, there are several ways you can contact us, each with varying levels of privacy, security and ease of use. Please do not use any of these methods to send press releases or story pitches.


You can contact us via regular email at, or by emailing individual reporters who you think might have a natural interest in your tip.

Please be aware that messages sent to this email address are not encrypted. Email is not a secure communication method. If you consider your tip to be especially sensitive, you can follow the methods outlined below. Please keep in mind that no method is completely foolproof. You should review terms of each tool and use them at your own risk. Experts recommend avoiding a computer, phone or network owned by your employer.


You can contact us through Signal, which provides encrypted communications through an application you can download to your iPhone, Android device or desktop computer. Messages or documents sent through Signal are encrypted end-to-end, ensuring that no third party can access the content of communications even with a court order. The app is free, and the technology is open source, which adds additional protections. You can adjust the settings so that any messages or documents sent disappear automatically from the application after a specified time. Signal is widely viewed as one of the most secure means of communication.

Signal messages are sent in encrypted form to an account identified with a telephone number. You can contact Bloomberg News via Signal here: +1-917-623-1908

Postal Mail

If you have documents or digital files on a thumb drive, you can send them from a public mailbox without including a return address. Address it to “TIPS” or to a specific reporter on the outside of the envelope.

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Hong Kong
Bloomberg News
Cheung Kong Centre
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Bloomberg News maintains a SecureDrop server — a secure communication platform designed to shield your identity. We set up our server in conjunction with the project’s maintainers, the Freedom of the Press Foundation to ensure it meets the highest industry standards. We control the SecureDrop server, which stores any information you send us in an encrypted format and if we are compelled to turn over information provided to us via SecureDrop, we won’t have anything that would reveal your identity, unless you chose to give us that information.

How to:

For added security, you may wish to connect to Tor on a computer running the TAILS operating system.

Privacy information

Our policy is to scrub metadata from the files we receive through SecureDrop before publication. If you don’t want to send us metadata, please use the Metadata Anonymization Toolkit to scrub the file before you submit it.

However, no one can truly guarantee 100% security of any system. Like all software, SecureDrop may contain bugs. Ultimately, you use the SecureDrop service at your own risk.
